How Data Annotation Companies Manually Label their Data?

Rayan Potter
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020


Data annotation is the process of labeling the data to make it understandable or recognizable to machines. And there basically, two types of data annotation — manual, which is usually done by humans by hand and automatically, through automated application software.

But the question right here, is whether data annotation companies label their data manually, or use any kind of automated software to maximize their productivity. As, many of them do this process through automated software but pretend, a manually done annotation job.

How Data Annotation is Manually Done?

Basically, data annotation is a critical process of labeling the important things in the data to make it understandable or recognizable to machines either using the NLP algorithms or computer vision. Image annotation is the part of data annotation, in which objects in the images are annotated to make it recognizable to machines through machine learning algorithms.

Though, data annotation manually done also need a software or tool to annotate the data or images in huge quantity, while ensuring the quality and accuracy in each image. Actually, in manual data annotation, the raw images are uploaded on the server and annotators use various tools to annotate or label the data as per the machine learning algorithm training requirements.

Manually vs Automatic Data Annotation

In automatic data annotation, AI companies save their cost on quality training data sets, hence they choose automatic route and use the free or cheap software or tool to get the data automatically annotate at faster speed but not good if you are looking to train your AI model with high level of accuracy for right predictions when used in real-life.

In manual data annotation a human-powered annotation take place, which leverage the power of automation and cognitive skills to produce the best quality of data sets at lower cost. Hence, if you are looking for high-quality data sets for machine learning or AI model training, just go with manually annotated data, that takes little extra time but will have the best quality.

Benefits of Manual Data Annotation Services

There are many companies providing the data annotation services performed manually. And when data is manually annotated, each object is precisely annotated ensuring the quality at best level. And after annotation process completed, it passes through a manual checking and validation.

Each data is cross-check to ensure there is not mistake or inaccuracy, which is not possible in automatic data annotation process. Companies providing the manual data annotation services have high-experienced annotators to annotate the data as per their documents.

Anolytics is one of the best data annotation companies Label the data sets manually using the right tools and techniques to ensure the quality and accuracy at best level. It is providing the one of the best training data set for machine learning and AI based model development with next level of accuracy to make the AI possible in real-life work flawlessly at best accuracy.

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